Holland is a land of intense paradox. It's quite impossible, but it is there.
- MEW Sherwood

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16: Avoiding Sleep, But Not the Rain

"This is the third rainiest summer in the Netherlands since they started recording in the 1700s."

My godmother, Carole, and her husband, Michiel, met me at the airport yesterday around noon with their dog and this was one of the first facts about Holland to come out of their mouths.  As I began to realize over the course of the day, it is one of the more important facts to know for my time here.  While the morning was apparently bright and sunny, we spent the afternoon attempting (but failing) to avoid the rain.  There were plenty of successes, but staying dry was not one of them.  I may need to make some trips out of the country if I want to see a blue sky.

Success 1: Arrive Alive
The flight over--from Dulles airport to Amsterdam Schiphol--was one of the easiest flights I have ever taken, even including domestic flights.  I got to the airport super early, ate dinner in the terminal, had a couple of lovely phone chats, read some of my book, and then got in line to board.  When, for some reason, my ticket didn't scan properly, I worried, but it ended up being for the best: they gave me a new seat right next to an empty one.  I boarded easily, stowed my carry-on easily, and actually slept pretty well.  I was only kept awake a few times, by the annoying sound of a kid's toy phone (seriously, mom?), multiple water/meal carts (second dinner at 11pm? yes, I ate some), and the ache of an uncomfortable sleeping position (I am too tall, even to lay across two seats).  I woke up for good about an hour and a half out, so I watched a couple of dumb tv shows until we started our descent and I could stare out at the North Sea, its waves, and the occasional shipping vessel.
The descent was easy--minus a kid throwing up on the way down (gross, mom)--and I got to see Amsterdam and the beach from the air: windmills, sheep, sailboats, buildings,...the whole shebang.  The deplaning and arrival was even easier.  The customs agent asked me a couple of questions and let me through, my checked bag came out literally as soon as I walked up, and Carole was standing at Arrivals as soon as I walked out.  In the grand scheme of things, it was a nearly flawless flight.

Success 2: Beaux
I hadn't been in Holland for more than 30 minutes before I'd bought the house dog with affection.  If it was allowed, I'd have him eating right out of my hand.

Success 3: Bike
A success wrapped in discomfort.  Yes, we got the bike from one of Carole's friends for me to use while I'm here, but we also got drenched in the process.  Here's to hoping future bike rides are a little less wet.

Success 4: Catching up
Apparently Boston Legal plays on TV here.  Apparently I suck at holding focus in a conversation when there's a TV on.  I'd plead exhaustion, but I think I have this problem all the time.  Luckily, Carole's patient, and we have plenty to say about New Orleans, life, etc.

Success 5: Staying awake
I couldn't have planned the time of flight arrival any better, but by about 6pm here, I was struggling, and by 8pm, I was literally forcing myself to stay conscious.  Luckily, Carole was great and just told me to go to bed.  So I did.  For 11 hours.  Boom.

Success 6: Ezra Martin
Little E arrived a week early at East Jeff, and he is one handsome little boy.  Can't wait to meet him. Lots of love to the new mom and dad!  <3

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